Numinos Tours guarantees a unique experience for your clients

A B2B solution for tour guides and tour operators. Numinos offers you a revolutionary tour for your company.

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+ 5000
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How Numinos Partners works?

At numinos we offer an innovative solution in the tourism industry. We have developed the closest way to time travel and we have compressed it into an immersive tour with Virtual Reality of 1h and 45min.

This experience takes place on the street accompanied by a tour guide, just like any other guided tour. The revolutionary part comes when customers can use virtual reality glasses to travel back centuries and live for a few minutes in another era.

Numinos offers an all-in-one solution so that tour operators or tour guides who want to offer this new form of tourism can offer it without the complexity of having to develop it themselves.

Take your business to the next level: integrate innovation with ease

Innovation is key in an industry as fragmented and competitive as tourism, make Numinos your strategic ally and with our technology we will help you lead your market.

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Key benefits

Differentiate yourself from your competitors and increase your revenues
Engage your customers with tours that merge the present and the past
Offers unique and personalized experiences
Our end-to-end package does all the work for you
Easy to use
Support & Training

What do customers say about Numinos?

Answers to your questions about the guided tour revolution

How does the Numinos experience work and what do I need to implement it?

Our solution for tour operators includes everything you need to implement our guided tours with virtual reality. We take care of providing all the necessary tools for you to distribute it, such as viewers, headsets and tablets to control the experience.

Do I need technical knowledge to operate Numinos technology?

No, our product is designed to be easy to use by anyone. We provide full training and support so you can offer the best experience to your customers.

Is the Numinos solution adaptable to different types of tours or locations?

Yes, our technology can adapt to a wide variety of environments and types of tours.

How does Numinos guarantee that the recreations are historically accurate?

At Numinos, we have a team of experts dedicated to researching and validating all of our virtual reality experiences to ensure their historical and cultural accuracy.

How can the Numinos solution help my company grow?

Time travel is one of the greatest desires of human beings. Being able to offer a unique experience sets your business apart from the competition. Not only does this attract more customers, but it can also allow you to earn higher fares for the enhanced experience you offer.

Want to know more?

You can request a demo or speak directly with us. Once you try the immersive tours offered by numinos you will want to have them among your tours.