Step into history

Immersive tours in which the past takes place before your eyes

Guided tours with VR headsets

Cutting-edge technology and history come together to give you the Numinos experience: a new way of living the city.

A faithful and immersive portrait of the city's history

Historians, architects, engineers and linguists join forces to bring cities to life as they were in the past.

Experience Numinos all over Europe

We are currently in Prague, but it will not be long before you can live the Numinos experience all over Europe.

                   Witness history in first person            

¿Cómo funciona?

About Numinos

We are a tech company with the purpose of going further in the world of travel experiences. To get to know a city in depth, you will no longer need to imagine the past, thanks to Numinos you will be able to experience the past in first person thanks to research, technology and virtual reality.

Solid historical bases

We are a multidisciplinary team of historians, researchers, linguists, architects, engineers among others so that everything you see through the VR headsets is an authentic and reliable representation of the past.

Thanks to Numinos and our commitment to history, you will be able to witness events from the past of which there is not a single graphic testimony.

Companies that trust us
                   Experience the unprecedented            
What is Numinos?
Numinos is a desire made reality. We have all wanted to travel back in time to discover how cities used to be, now this is possible thanks to our immersive experiences.
Do you need any previous knowledge?
The only thing you need is the desire to enjoy and have fun. We take care of providing all the necessary material for the experience.
Why choose Numinos?
Because you won't find another experience like this one. No matter if you are a local or a visitor, our immersive experiences allow you to relive history in first person instead of replaying it. As if you were there.
Is it safe for all ages?
Due to some recreated scenes and equipment used, it is not recommended for children under 12 years of age.
Can I do the tour if I wear glasses?
Absolutely! Our VR headsets can also be used with glasses or contact lenses.

What do customers say about Numinos?

Do you want to become an official Numinos distributor?

Numinos offers you the possibility to add a revolutionary tour to your company with everything you need to start from day 1.

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